Wednesday, 6 March 2013


So.. welcome to the not-so wonderful world of my head, the toilets are to your left..
Err, I guess this is an awkward introduction?
I'm not going to babble, seeing as I'll be doing plenty of that in the near future, hopefully.
I guess this is the beginning of a "serious" blog, whatever that may be. I don't think this'll turn out well. I'm not good at "serious". I can hardly take life seriously let alone portray myself as an intellectually diverse young adult prepared for anything that might come her way. Regretfully, I am a slave to Mr Farley's beautiful biscuits, and my maturity levels are that of a spork..

So Sian, why are you even doing this?

Well, handsome (and most probably procrastinating) guest, I often find myself pinned down by the strong arms of the master we call "The Internet", and, unfortunately, I usually enter into a hypnotic trance watching hours-worth of video clips of people falling up escalators, ridiculous fancy dress tutorials, and, more often than most, an unhealthy stream of cat videos. But surely, a blog would only feed fire to the flame?

You're wrong. Well at least I hope you are. This, my friend, is hopefully the beginning of me growing up. Sort of.

I want to be able to have intelligent arguments with myself, discuss debated topics, and share my opinion without having to have the urge to add "!!!!!" to close a point, or use the overly-used magical phrase that is "omg". This is my first poor attempt at being an adult. A boring, sensible being who's highlights of the week include screaming mercilessly at politicians on Question Time, screaming mercilessly in elation after completing a sudoku puzzle in The Times, screaming mercilessly in frustration after realising you forgot your Bag For Life for the weekly shop, and screaming mercilessly at the neighbour's dog for taking a shit on your patio. Do adults swear? How should I know? (Sorry Mam.)

So I guess this is it. I'm going this way *points to the left*. Wait, adults don't do running commentary do they? Well, I think I can get away with that one. It's all a learning curve.

Ta for visiting! For now,

Sian x

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